Javascript runtime for building scalable applications
I'm a Software Developer, eager to overcome bigger challenges, learn new technologies and frameworks, and build next generation solutions. I'm enthusiastic about NodeJS, Docker and Kubernetes and my current focus is on acquiring knowledge and skills to build microservices ready for production!
Some of the tools I am most familiar with:
Javascript runtime for building scalable applications
Versatile programming language suited for many cases
Front-end framework for building dynamic web applications
Version control
My personal blog built with NextJS, this just follows the official getting started section in Next documentation and is here for the purpose of learning and later reference.
A sample of a Nest microservice using grpc with protobuf
Protótipo da API usada no projeto do sistema de Agendamento escolar
Material de referência em Kubernetes retirado do livro Descomplicando Kubernetes e da documentação oficial.
An sample of authentication methods with NestJS
Hackernews frontend clone with react built for learning Client side GraphQL
Hackernews API clone with GraphQL, apollo server and prisma
Just a simple reference for setting up projects with docker, taken from the official getting-starded guide.
Sign up Form with React and Material UI
Tic-tac-toe with AI JetBrains Academy practice project.
apenas um exercício de Java orientado a objetos e Java Collections
Initial setup sample for NodeJs with typescript projects
Sample NodeJS, express and typescript project setup
material de referência - estruturas de dados e implemetações em c++
Material de referência sobre javascript assíncrono
Esse projeto foi desenvolvido para atender as necessidades do aplicativo oráculo
Projeto Etapa 1 Pecege Starter Pack
Trajetória de aprendizagem Pecege Starter Pack + Alura
clone netflix
SQL query practice.
solution fot the sub_strings ruby challenge
just an exercise to practice basic javascript
exercise from the-odin-project
the-odin-project web development 101 project
Web development 101 project
Feel free to send me an e-mail!